New Minions!
LEGEND: *=minor action; •=Standard action; ••=Encounter power; i=interrupt
A little explanation is in order: the goal with these minions is to have these minions available at any level. The "PL" in parentheses is a reference to the equation "half Player Level", rounding down. For example, the Face-Eater Kruthik Nymph listed below has an AC of 15+(PL). If the players are level 4, that means 15+(4/2)=17.
Face-Eater Kruthik Nymph
Small Natural Creature
AC: 15+(PL)
Fort: 14+(PL)
Ref: 12+(PL)
Will: 13+(PL)
Speed: 4
• Grapple Attack: +4+(PL) VS Ref: Target = 1 creature
- Hit: 5 damage and target is grappled
* Secondary Acid Attack: +7+(PL) Vs AC: Target = the same creature as the primary attack.
- HIT: D10 acid damage.
- Effect: If target was grappled it takes 5 additional acid damage and is pushed 1 square.
Leaping Tentacle
Tiny Aberrant Creature
AC: 14+(PL)
Fort: 15+(PL)
Ref: 13+(PL)
Will: 12+(PL)
Speed: crawl 3
• Leaping Grasp: +7+(PL) Vs AC: Target = 1 creature
The Leaper Worm shifts up to 2 squares before this attack.
- Hit: remove leaper worm from play. Target takes 3 damage, and 3 ongoing damage (save ends).
- On a save against the leaper worm's attack, the leaper worm is placed adjacent to its target.
Festering Pester Worm
Small Aberrant Creature
AC: 14+(PL)
Fort: 15+(PL)
Ref: 13+(PL)
Will: 12+(PL)
Speed: crawl 3
• Leaping Lamprey: +5+(PL) Vs AC: Target = 1 creature
The Leaper Worm shifts up to 2 squares before this attack.
- Hit: target takes 3 damage, and the target gains the "Festering Worm Disease"
Phase 1: The player feels no ill effects. At the end of a short rest it makes a save if it has the wherewithall to cut out the eggs. Otherwise the disease automatically proceeds to Phase 2.
Phase 2: The player, having failed the save, feels unwell, and suffers -2 to all attacks and defenses until he or she saves againt the effects of the worms and cuts out the eggs.
Phase 3: At the end of an extended rest, D6 Festering Pester Worms burst out of the player, causing a healing surge of damage, and immediately attack the other players in a surprise round.
Wandering Lightning Crystal
Small Elemental Creature
AC: 12+(PL)
Fort: 14+(PL)
Ref: 12+(PL)
Will: 15+(PL)
Speed: Fly 2 (Hover)
Special rules: Resist 10 electric.
i• Tesla Pulse: (immediate interrupt: a creature enters within 3 squares of the Wandering Lightning Crystal):
+4+(PL) VS Ref: Target = All creatures in burst 3
- Hit: 5+(PL) lightning damage & target is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
•• Electrical Jolt: +7+(PL) Vs AC: Range 5, Target = 1 creature
- Hit: 10 lightning damage and target is dazed, stunned and immobilized (save ends all).
House Cat
Small Natural Creature
AC: 12+(PL)
Fort: 13+(PL)
Ref: 14+(PL)
Will: 15+(PL)
Speed: 8
If a character kills a house cat, it suffers a cumulative -1 to all attacks and defenses until it levels up or atones for this sin.
Mad Ape
Large Natural Creature
AC: 15+(PL)
Fort: 13+(PL)
Ref: 14+(PL)
Will: 12+(PL)
Special Resistances: 5 all
Speed: 5
* Monkey Grab: +4+PL VS Fort: Target = 1 creature. Target is grappled.
• Hurl: A grabbed target is thrown D10 squares, and takes falling damage for falling a distance equal to half of the squares thrown, rounding down.
Mad Clown
Medium Natural & Aberrant Creature
AC: 12+(PL)
Fort: 14+(PL)
Ref: 13+(PL)
Will: 15+(PL)
Speed: 6
• Hilarious Trick: +5+(PL) Vs Will: Target = blast 3
- Hit: D6+(PL) and target is knocked prone
* Slippery Shoes: the clown may shift one square and is knocked prone.
• Hammer from Nowhere: +7+(PL) Vs AC: Target = 1 creature.
- Hit: D12 damage and target is dazed until the end of its next turn.
Tau Invader
Medium Extraplanar Creature
AC: 15+(PL)
Fort: 13+(PL)
Ref: 14+(PL)
Will: 12+(PL)
Speed: 6
Full-turn Action: • Pulse Rifle: +3+(PL) VS AC: Target = 1 creature
- Hit: 3D10+3+(PL) Radiant damage
* Relay Info: The Tau Invader may relay all acquired data on the target to all of its allies within 100 squares.
Dark Eldar Kabalite
Medium Fay Creature
AC: 12+(PL)
Fort: 13+(PL)
Ref: 15+(PL)
Will: 14+(PL)
Speed: 8
Special Rules: Resist 5 +(PL) damage
• Shard Carbine: +5+(PL) VS FORT: Range 18: Target = 1 creature
- Hit: D12+(PL) Poison damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).
* Bayonet Stab: +5+(PL) VS REF: Target: 1 creature
- Hit: D12+(PL) Damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).
Dark Eldar Wych
Medium Fay Creature
AC: 12+(PL)
Fort: 13+(PL)
Ref: 15+(PL)
Will: 14+(PL)
Speed: 8
Special Rules: Resist 10 + (PL) damage versus melee and close attacks.
• Shard Pistol: +5+(PL) VS FORT: Range 12: Target = 1 creature
- Hit: D8+(PL) Poison damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).
* Ripping Blade: +5+(PL) VS REF: Burst 1. Target: all enemies in burst.
- Hit: D6+(PL) Damage and 5 ongoing poison damage (save ends).
Sunday, October 7, 2012
House Rules
In the interest of improving games of Dungeons & Dragons 4th edition games, here are a few house rules that are based on the idea of improving the payer experience, founded on the concept that the game should be fun.
NEW BACKGROUND: "LIFE MAGIC" - optional player background.
A character with this background can spend healing surges to alter the effects of powers. After rolling to hit with a power, or after initializing a power that does not require a hit, the surge is lost as a free action, and no hit points are regained. Instead, a power's effects are altered in one of the following ways:
• delayed for any number of turns.
• change the damage type to any other type, including untyped damage.
• withholding any damage, instead producing only the effects, usually as a delayed action in conjunction with a diplomacy, intimidate, or thievery check. As a "no-action" the player may inflict the damage, in case the skill-related result was not achieved.
• imbuing an item with a power that activates with a player-set trigger. The imbued power may not be used by the character again until it is expended from the object or is diffused by the player as a standard action.
Two healing surges may be lost as a free action to...
• amplify a power: the power will gain +5+half-level to hit, or +10+half-level damage, or +5 ongoing damage of the same type as the attack.
• inversion of damage: a damaging power can be turned into a healing power.
Skill: Intimidate
• The Intimidate skill may be used with a +5 bonus if none of the player characters has been killed, AND if at least one standard enemy has been killed OR if at least four minions have been killed.
• If the target of an Intimidate roll is a non-combatant or is friendly, on a successful check the target becomes compliant for one encounter, during which time it qualifies as an Ally; after the encounter ends or at the end of five minutes it becomes hostile. Then, the intimidator does not qualify as an Ally to the target until a successful Diplomacy check has been made against the target's will. The target gains a +10 circumstantial bonus to will if it was damaged by any of the intimidator's actions during the period of intimidation.
• A hostile creature that is immobilized or prone does not gain a bonus against intimidate checks for being hostile.
• For low-charisma characters, an Athletics check can be made to intimidate enemies, instead of the usual Intimidate check.
• Rituals and alchemical items cost 1/5 of their listed codex price.
• Rituals may be cast during combat, and will take a number of rounds equal to half of the ritual's level, in which the caster is focused*. For rituals that normally take more than ten minutes to cast, a healing surge may be sacrificed as a free action to reduce the time cost in one-hour increments per healing surge sacrificed. The following may sacrifice surges: The caster; the caster's willing allies, and helpless enemies.
*"Focused"= the caster passes an appropriate DC for the ritual every round of casting. Each failure delays the ritual 1 round.
3. Attack rolls that result in a natural "1" require that the attacking character immediately rolls a D4. This does not count as any action. The result determines the outcome of the botched attack:
1: No effect
2: The attacker loses the next use of that attack
3: The attack hits an ally within range. If no ally is within range, proceed to Result 4.
4: Harm self with the attack in all its effects and relevant damage.
A character that takes a multiclass feat that grants the character a use of the new class's at-will attack powers as encounter powers may alternatively use the following option: the character may replace one of his or her at-will powers with the new at-will power, and converts the traded at-will power to an encounter power. This can prevent most unnecessary "hybrid" character creation.
4E lacks a dropping attack physic: now it has one.
• In order to drop an object on a creature, use the following attack: use the character's highest ability modifier versus the target's reflex defense, including any applicable bonuses. If the attack misses, the target may shift one square away as a free action from its square as it leaps out of the way. If the target is still underneath the object (in such a case as the object occupying 3x3 squares, the target suffers half damage.
• Dropping an object is not quite precise, and making the attack suffers -1 for every increment of 10 squares past the first 10 cubes of altitude, so that, for example, at 100 cubes of altitude, the attack suffers -9 to hit.
• Action Points are handed out for every encounter, not just per milestone. At each milestone, the players gain a "Super Action Point" which may be spent at any time. These disappear after an extended rest.
• Action points may be used as a no-action to re-roll any single unsatisfactory dice roll.
NEW BACKGROUND: "LIFE MAGIC" - optional player background.
A character with this background can spend healing surges to alter the effects of powers. After rolling to hit with a power, or after initializing a power that does not require a hit, the surge is lost as a free action, and no hit points are regained. Instead, a power's effects are altered in one of the following ways:
• delayed for any number of turns.
• change the damage type to any other type, including untyped damage.
• withholding any damage, instead producing only the effects, usually as a delayed action in conjunction with a diplomacy, intimidate, or thievery check. As a "no-action" the player may inflict the damage, in case the skill-related result was not achieved.
• imbuing an item with a power that activates with a player-set trigger. The imbued power may not be used by the character again until it is expended from the object or is diffused by the player as a standard action.
Two healing surges may be lost as a free action to...
• amplify a power: the power will gain +5+half-level to hit, or +10+half-level damage, or +5 ongoing damage of the same type as the attack.
• inversion of damage: a damaging power can be turned into a healing power.
Skill: Intimidate
• The Intimidate skill may be used with a +5 bonus if none of the player characters has been killed, AND if at least one standard enemy has been killed OR if at least four minions have been killed.
• If the target of an Intimidate roll is a non-combatant or is friendly, on a successful check the target becomes compliant for one encounter, during which time it qualifies as an Ally; after the encounter ends or at the end of five minutes it becomes hostile. Then, the intimidator does not qualify as an Ally to the target until a successful Diplomacy check has been made against the target's will. The target gains a +10 circumstantial bonus to will if it was damaged by any of the intimidator's actions during the period of intimidation.
• A hostile creature that is immobilized or prone does not gain a bonus against intimidate checks for being hostile.
• For low-charisma characters, an Athletics check can be made to intimidate enemies, instead of the usual Intimidate check.
• Rituals and alchemical items cost 1/5 of their listed codex price.
• Rituals may be cast during combat, and will take a number of rounds equal to half of the ritual's level, in which the caster is focused*. For rituals that normally take more than ten minutes to cast, a healing surge may be sacrificed as a free action to reduce the time cost in one-hour increments per healing surge sacrificed. The following may sacrifice surges: The caster; the caster's willing allies, and helpless enemies.
*"Focused"= the caster passes an appropriate DC for the ritual every round of casting. Each failure delays the ritual 1 round.
3. Attack rolls that result in a natural "1" require that the attacking character immediately rolls a D4. This does not count as any action. The result determines the outcome of the botched attack:
1: No effect
2: The attacker loses the next use of that attack
3: The attack hits an ally within range. If no ally is within range, proceed to Result 4.
4: Harm self with the attack in all its effects and relevant damage.
A character that takes a multiclass feat that grants the character a use of the new class's at-will attack powers as encounter powers may alternatively use the following option: the character may replace one of his or her at-will powers with the new at-will power, and converts the traded at-will power to an encounter power. This can prevent most unnecessary "hybrid" character creation.
4E lacks a dropping attack physic: now it has one.
• In order to drop an object on a creature, use the following attack: use the character's highest ability modifier versus the target's reflex defense, including any applicable bonuses. If the attack misses, the target may shift one square away as a free action from its square as it leaps out of the way. If the target is still underneath the object (in such a case as the object occupying 3x3 squares, the target suffers half damage.
• Dropping an object is not quite precise, and making the attack suffers -1 for every increment of 10 squares past the first 10 cubes of altitude, so that, for example, at 100 cubes of altitude, the attack suffers -9 to hit.
• Action Points are handed out for every encounter, not just per milestone. At each milestone, the players gain a "Super Action Point" which may be spent at any time. These disappear after an extended rest.
• Action points may be used as a no-action to re-roll any single unsatisfactory dice roll.
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